Play to Win
- Play to Win
- Play to Win
Game Master & GAme Policy
Thank you for your interest in the Strong Tower Gaming Convention! We are glad you are here!
We want everyone to have a great time. To ensure that, we have some guidelines we must ask all our GM's to follow.
By choosing to submit/run/organize an event at Strong Tower Gaming Convention, the following must apply to all events.
• Abide by all venue policies.
• Abide by all of Strong Tower Gaming Convention Inclusiveness and Code of Conduct polices.
• Understand that running an event does not make you a Strong Tower Gaming Convention employee or contractor.
• Understand that consequences may occur as a result of violating Strong Tower Gaming Convention policies.
• Understand the purpose of running events of any kind at Strong Tower Gaming Convention is to provide a fun and entertaining experience to Strong Tower Gaming Convention attendees.
• Ensure the safety of you and your players.
• Follow all directions of Strong Tower Gaming Convention management.
Organized events will have a clearly indicated event space that is reserved specifically for that event. Any unauthorized event at a reserved space will be removed at Strong Tower Gaming Convention discretion. Open Gaming tables are clearly marked are available at a first come, first serve basis. If there are problems or questions, do not attempt to fix it yourself. Please contact Strong Tower Gaming Convention staff.
You are responsible for the security of all items you bring to your game. If any special care is necessary, please contact Strong Tower Gaming Convention staff to make arrangements. Strong Tower Gaming Convention assumes no liability for lost or stolen items.
If there is any reason that your game can not be run, contact Strong Tower Gaming Convention staff immediately so the game can be cancelled or rescheduled if needed.
When you agree to run any event at Strong Tower Gaming Convention for our attendees you are doing so with the express understanding that you are running said event in a way to provide a fun and entertaining experience for all attendees. This does not include providing "shocking" or "horrifying" experiences in a game.
When submitting a game, please make sure to specify the appropriate age range selection for your expected players. Adult themed games are appropriate for adults. If you do plan on running a game that contains adult themes, it is incumbent upon each and every GM to provide a full explanation of the adult situations contained in your game in the body of the game's event description. There is simply no room at Strong Tower Gaming Convention when it comes to subjects that might be offensive or objectionable to our attendees.
To be absolutely clear on this subject: themes, scenarios, or encounters based on graphic violence and/or sexual content is never appropriate for a gaming event at Strong Tower Gaming Convention. This includes descriptions of rape, extreme violence, or extreme cruelty. Please let common sense be your guide in this. Some matters that might be acceptable in a home game involving consenting adults are not acceptable at a gaming convention. Violations of these edicts are violations of our Inclusiveness and Code of Conduct polices and can result in immediate expulsion without refund as well as a permanent ban from any and all future Strong Tower Gaming Convention events or activities.
You should arrive at your table at least 5 minutes prior to start time to greet your players. If your designated table is in use, contact Strong Tower Gaming Convention staff. Do not attempt to move your game to another table/location as this may affect other games.
All players at your table must have a valid attendee badge. Please check that all players are wearing valid badges during all games. The GM needs to be wearing a valid badge as well. If players or GMs are found to not be wearing valid badges,
please inform Strong Tower Gaming Convention staff. They will be warned and if necessary, removed or the game may be canceled.
Games should run as they were represented in the initial submission. No changes can be made without Strong Tower Gaming Convention approval. This includes start/end time, location and content. If any changes are necessary, contact Strong Tower Gaming Convention staff.
If there are any problems with disruptive players or security issues, contact the nearest Strong Tower Gaming Convention staff member immediately. We want to address any and all issues with minimal disruption to our attendees.
Clean up your space. The area should be left as you found it, or even better! If you see areas of concern (trash, broken chairs/tables, spills), please contact Strong Tower Gaming Convention staff! We will take care of it as quickly as possible.
Please ensure that the table number and holder that was present on your table at the beginning of your game is present and clearly visible at the end of your game.
Our sincere thank you to all of our GM's for their time and effort in running games at our convention!
We want to give back to our game masters, event judges, anyone teaching others or otherwise running an event at the Strong Tower Gaming Convention
We are both non-profit and donating all proceeds to the Salvation Army, so monetary rewards or free badges do not make sense for this cause. However, after much thought and debate, we have landed on this level of reward:
All GM's (game masters, event judges, anyone teaching others or otherwise running an event) will earn 1 raffle ticket per game hour for each of their registered events, multiplied by the number of years participated (in 2022, our 1st year, the multiplier is x1).
If you ran one longer 4 hour game such as Ark Nova with yourself and three new players, in 2022 you would have earned:
1 ticket x 4 hours x 1 year, or 4 tickets.
If you came back in 2023 and ran Ark Nova again, you will earn:
1 ticket x 4 hours x 2 years, or 8 tickets.
If you return for 2024 and run Ark Nova again, you will earn:
1 ticket x 4 hours x 3 years, or 12 tickets.
If you run several games, each hour adds up, and tickets will accumulate for your use!